
The epodium gallery presents contemporary art context-sensitive to New York or Munich/Germany.
Andreas Backoefer was a theater dramaturg and worked at a Bavarian State Museum. Andreas is a writer/scholar for contemporary art and the founder of the publishing company epodium. He writes articles, curates and teaches. He lives in Munich and New York and he knows the artists of the gallery often personally for a longer period and sometimes he collaborated with them as a curator. The chosen artworks for the gallery are reflecting his view on the artscene, which will be presented in exhibtions and online – curated by himself or guest curators. Most of the presented works are for sale.

epodium gallery is a hybrid gallery which runs an online platform and partners for offline projects and exhibitions with museums, galleries, kunstvereine, biennials, art-fairs, and events.

Mission Statement

Die Arbeiten der Künstler/innen der epodium gallery sind von einer tief gehenden und komplexen Praxis in der Auseinandersetzung mit Räumen, Objekten, Bildern und performativen Akten gekennzeichnet. Sie sind eine kontinuierliche  Befragung dessen, was es bedeutet am gegenwärtigen kulturellen Leben teilzunehmen und stellen eine Beschäftigung mit der Bandbreite des aktuellen Kunstverständnisses dar. Und dies tun die Künstler/innen auf verschiedenen Ebenen. Diese Ebenen sind nicht mit gängigen Labels gekennzeichnet wie ‚emerging artist‘ oder ‚midcareer artist‘. Es gibt frische, junge, neugierige Blicke ebenso wie Interpretationen, die von Erfahrung, Wissen und Handwerk gesättigt sind. Beide Schichten bedingen sich gegenseitig in der programmatischen Ausrichtung der Galerie, die den ‚Sinn‘ von künstlerischer Produktion beeinflusst sieht von historischen und sozialen Kontexten. Diese Konzeption basiert auf einer andauernden und unabschließbaren Ausweitung der Perspektiven.

„The failure of conceptual art is actually its success. Because we, in the next generation, took those strategies and didn’t worry if it looked like art or not, that was their business… So I do believe in looking back and going through school reading books. You learn from these people. Then, hopefully, you try to make it, not better (because you can’t make it better), but you make it in a way that makes sense. Like the Don Quixote of Pierre Menard by Borges; it’s exactly the same thing but it’s better because it’s right now. It was written with a history of now…“
(Felix Gonzalez-Torres, interview with Robert Storr, ArtPress, 1995)

epodium gallery was inaugurated in December 2013, with a seminal exhibition of works by Grimanesa Amorós and Roger Kausch.

The services of epodium include also the management of corporate collections and cultural events for public institutions.

Founder/Director: Dr. Andreas Backoefer

e-mail: a.backoefer@epodiumgallery.com

Press Contact: Elena Wölfle presse@epodiumgallery.com

Visit also epodium publishing company and LIMBO Arts Studios

© epodium 2025 | Impressum