
epodium gallery presents Gregor Peschko


Gregor Peschko: Genua, 2015, Film

epodium gallery is now presenting the video works of Gregor Peschko.

“Genua“ is a film composed of self-made video recordings (boat trip),  found footage from the internet (swimming scenes) and a super 8 film with footage from the coastal area. Apart from the very associative storyline, the source of the material plays an important role. The image is accompanied by a collaged sound backdrop. The fictional combination of elements are related to an area between a social and subjective visual memory or rather to an oscillation in between.

The displayed atrium is located in the old guesthouse of the GDR´s council of ministers in Leipzig. During the 70s and 80s the building was used as an accommodation for foreign representatives and other guests of state. The building was isolated from the outside area by enormous safety precautions. This was in strong contrast to the hospitality the house stood for. The whole complex was surveilled and shielded by the Stasi. (State Security Service) High industrialized buildings around the complex served as bomb shields for potential attacks. On the inside a little enclave of western consume standards with Milka chocolate and Coca Cola was established in favor of SED officials and guests of state. For the citizens of Leipzig the events within the house remained non-transparent and secretive. The video loop was recorded inside of the guest house which is falling into ruin. Except for the light, almost invisible snowfall at the outside space of the atrium the picture in the interior is completely motionless. No sound.


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